Sunday, April 24, 2011

RIM "In Talks" With Hulu For Continued PlayBook Access

It's not unusual for Hulu to block access on mobile devices, and it's not even expected if the device doesn't support Flash. But when RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook launched earlier in the month, a pretty nice Easter Egg was found: Hulu support! But that didn't last too long. Around a day after launching, the PlayBook suddenly stopped loading Hulu, much to the dismay of early adopters who were thrilled with having access. Hulu has made a habit out of dissing mobile devices in order to encourage people to view content strictly on notebooks and desktops.

But it looks as if RIM is hoping to change that for their PlayBook. According to a new Wall Street Journal report, RIM is currently "in talks with Hulu about gaining paid access to the video website's content," though it's unclear if it'll work. The block is being done in order to force users onto their $7.99/month Hulu Plus program, but strongarming people just doesn't seem like a great idea. A RIM spokesperson had this to say: "We are in conversations with Hulu to bring the Hulu Plus subscription service to BlackBerry PlayBook users."

Will the PlayBook gain a competitive edge over competing tablets that are forced to use Hulu Plus? It's entirely possible, but it'll probably take an awful lot of sweet-talking.


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