Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Do you know any natural beauty tips? - Health & Fitness Articles ?

I know tons of natural beauty tips :) If by natural you mean naturistic.

?Nice White Teeth :After squeezing the juice of a lemon, use the left over rind to rub on your teeth and gums to whitten and strengthen them. This is also a good skin cleanser and softener; simply rub the rind over the facial areas desired, let stand for 5 minutes and rinse with tepid water. Eating an apple with the skin has the same effect of disinfecting the tooth and massages the gum.

?Milky Pink Complexion :Take a generous handful of lilly and rose petals (dried or fresh) and place them in a bowl?s worth of boiling water and ?cook? for 15 minutes. Filter and allow to cool before washing your face in the preparation.

?Beauty Masks : Once per week, we can spread on our face, a mask made of one beaten egg yolk and a teaspoon of oilve oil. Let stand 15 minutes and rinse using a damp cottonball dipped in tepid milk. Dry skin will be fed and at the same time rehydrated if, whenever using masks of fruit or vagetables, we add a good teaspoon of fresh cream.

?Getting soft skin. If you want softer skin, try adding powdered milk to your bath and soaking like Cleopatra.
If that isn?t to your taste, you can mash a ripe avocado and spread it on your skin for 20 minutes.

?Greek Sugar Body Scrub
1/4 cup of sugar
3-4 tablespoons of olive oil
Mix ingredients to form a thick paste. Apply liberally in the shower, and massage in a circular motion.

?THE BEST COSMETIC.-Squeeze the juice of a lemon into a pint of sweet milk. Wash the face with it every night and in the morning wash off with warm rain water, This will produce a very beautiful effect upon the skin

?Split Ends (Hair) ? Beat an egg yolk and mix it with some honey and olive oil and massage on hair, wrap in a warm towel and leave for 30 minutes before rinsing

Hope that helps!

Source: http://www.healthfitnessarticles.net/4549/

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