Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Interviews: Freedom. Fulfillment. Fun! | Be Positive Mom

Happy End of Summer!

School is back in session and so is the hectic schedule. I am so excited for this month?s interview with Marcie Mauro, Prosperity Coach. Marcie shares with us?how she manages?being mom and business owner as well as tips for someone who is thinking about starting a business. She also shared a valuable FREE gift with us? don?t miss it below!

Enjoy the interview!? :-D

Share with us about The Feminine Prosperity Path and how you are changing women?s lives?

First of all, I?m so excited to be here with you! Thank you so much for the opportunity to share my heart?s work with the Be Positive Community, Steph.

I founded The Feminine Prosperity Path? with dedication to helping women entrepreneurs put more financial freedom, more flexibility, and more fun in their businesses.

I coach highly-motivated women who are ready to create fabulous income doing what they love so they can live the balanced life they?ve always daydreamed about.?

To experience fulfillment, it?s important that a woman?s business is built in a way that feels in alignment with the values of being divinely feminine (like the values of a mom!). Using proven business strategies, I help the entrepreneurial woman up-level every aspect of her business while providing step-by-step support to help her breakthrough stuck points, feel more confident, get into implementation mode, and create whole-life prosperity. It?s such a precious gift and honor for women to let me into their lives and support them on their Path.

When women are able to do what they love and create a business that support their lifestyle, everything changes ? they become happier, healthier, better moms, better partners, and better members of the community. The ripple effect, or, as I like to call it ?The Essence Effect? when people step into the highest version of themselves it has amazing power to change the world. What I love most is that while themes arise, each woman?s Path is unique ? because we are all unique. When I help a client move from ?I?m scared that I?ll never be able to do this? to ?I feel like my lifestyle dreams are coming true!??THAT is my heart?s work and allows me to fulfill my purpose while helping others fulfill theirs.

You are an entrepreneurial mom, how do you fit in and balance the demands of running a business and the home?

Well, let me tell you, it wasn?t easy at first! When I started I had an infant at home and only part-time childcare (I was blessed to have my mom and mother-in-law take turns). I found myself working during every nap, while my son was occupied, after he and my husband would go to bed?I felt like I couldn?t escape my business, and it was awful. ?I quickly learned that if I wanted to make substantial income and help the number of women I know I?m meant to, I was going to need a lot more support.

Once I re-evaluated my dream business goals (using some of the questions in tip #1, below) I recognized I was veering off my path and made some adjustments to my boundaries. What I found most helpful was to make a schedule for EVERYTHING. I created weekly and monthly schedules for business tasks and weekly schedules for the rest of my life. Integrating it and seeing it all put together allowed me to be more realistic with what I was able and willing to compromise on or what I needed to maintain (ie no more laptop work during my son?s mealtime!)

What 3 tips do you have for a working mom who is thinking about starting a business?

Sorry this is a little bit of a long answer, but I wanted to be really thorough in providing these tips because they are the foundation for moms getting started.

Tip #1: Get clear about your business dreams

(below are some of my favorite questions that I ask my clients to reflect on). When you have clarity about your ideal business, your Prosperity Path begins. You are able to take your inspiration into action.

  • What is your big business ?WHY?? What are the deeper reasons that are driving you to want to start a business?
  • What type of business are you thinking of starting? What skills and experiences do you have that will support that business; or, what skills do you need to acquire in order to be successful?
  • If you woke up tomorrow morning and a miracle happened that provided you with your absolute dream business- what would it look like? What would your ideal schedule be like? Who would you be working with? What would be your favorite part?

Tip #2: Plan your exit strategy

  • What is your time frame for when you want to transition out? 3 months? 6 months? 2 years? (hint, depending on your financial circumstances, you may need to move a little more slowly)
  • How much of a money ?cushion? do you need to feel safe while you?re getting your business off the ground? (Bonus tip: To calculate your Cushion, see the ?Preparing for Increase? section of the 8 Simple Steps to Create a Money Makeover and Unblock Your Financial Flow Action Plan)
  • Create a business plan and, if necessary, seek financing for a business loan.? There are many free business advice and counseling resources available to communities through Service Corps of Retired Executives ( and the Small Business Administration (

Tip #3: Having support is non-negotiable

Be it a friend, a colleague, a mentor, a coach ? find someone who understands what you?re going through as a women entrepreneur and who can help keep you focused and moving forward for the long haul.

Inspiration! How do you stay inspired and motivated, especially when you feel like throwing in the towel?

Great question! When I first decided to start a business, I didn?t know any better and tried to do it all myself. I had no idea what I was getting myself into even with all of the business advice I received. My stress levels quickly went through the roof, my self-care out the window, and most importantly my family was suffering because of all of that. People told me ?this was the cost of running a business? and for a while I believed that.

Then it hit me, this CAN?T be it. I began to seek out help from people who thought like me ? ?I?m going to make this happen, without sacrificing my family, my income, or my spirit.? That?s when I made the pledge that I will help as many women as possible create a prosperous business they love that works with their life.

So, what?s kept me from throwing in the towel when the inevitable challenges arise?

It wasn?t until I invested in a mentor that my life (and my business!) began to take a dramatic shift towards manifesting the vision I started out with. At first I struggled, telling myself, ?I?m not making enough money to hire someone to help me.? ?Then, I remembered how powerful my inner critic is and how easily I can get overwhelmed and paralyzed in fear and self-doubt?a surefire way to drown a business.

Deep down I knew that I needed the support for inevitable challenges, the guidance and experience of someone who is where I want to be, and the accountability to step up and fulfill my goals.? I often think where I?d be if I was still trying to figure everything out on my own and keep myself on track?what I would be looking at is a big pile of those ?towels? that I had ?thrown in? and the dreams I had given up on.? The support, inspiration, and motivation I have received from my mentors and the ?tribe? I surround myself with has been truly priceless.

Any ?me time? suggestions that can help us relax even when we feel like we are moving in 100 directions?

You betcha! Being the SuperMoms, we often find ourselves in that ?100 directions? place ? and we can easily burnout. Here are a few of my favorite tips to quickly get out of overwhelm and back in touch with our inner peace:

  • Ask yourself, ?If I knew today were my last, how would I handle this situation??
  • Start carrying a ?dump? notebook ? Having 3 different things on your mind can feel like 100, so write down all of the to-dos, reminders, checklists, shopping list items, and errands that you can think of. Dump them out of your mind and into the notebook (I carry mine in my purse so I?m never without an opportunity to ?dump?!) You?ll be amazed at how much lighter you feel when you?re not carrying it all around with you.
  • Say yes to saying no. If saying ?yes? to something will lead to significant more stress for you, it?s probably something that you should say no to?breathe, ?it?s okay to say no sometimes!

A Complimentary Gift for The Be Positive Mom Community!

As a thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to learn more about becoming a Mom entrepreneur, I would like to gift each of you with one of my favorite Action Plans, ?8 Simple Steps to Makeover Your Money & Unblock Your Financial Flow?.

Inside you?ll find great tips and exercises to help you begin to transform your relationship with money ? and you don?t need to be an entrepreneur to benefit from this; I designed with all types of women in mind!

To download your complimentary Action Plan visit:

About Marcie

Dedicated to the success of women entrepreneurs, Marcie has an extensive history as a helping professional. With a Master?s degree in Marriage & Family Therapy, Marcie spent several years working to help heal families experiencing extreme stress. Drawing on nearly a decade of experience in the wellness industry she sought to find the deeper, proactive solution to this problem.

Her passion led her to get to the heart of the matter for many women experiencing stress ? to have more freedom, fulfillment, and fun! As a certified Money Breakthrough? Coach; Money, Marketing, & Soul? Coach; and member of the International Association of Women in Business Coaching (IAWBC), Marcie helps women enhance relationships with money, their business, their loved ones, and most importantly with themselves.


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