Saturday, September 29, 2012

1-Minute Strategies: September '12 ? Business Management Daily ...

? Remove distractions to boost your productivity.?Willpower is a finite resource. If you squander it throughout the workday re??sist?ing the chocolates on your colleague?s desk, for example, you will have less energy to devote to important projects, notes Camille Preston, founder and CEO of AIM Leadership.

? Quantify your value.?You can certainly make a stronger case for a promotion by regularly col??lecting detailed, measurable evidence of your contributions, advises Margaret Buj, a career advisor.

? Save your boss time with mo??bile printing.?Printing-on-demand services, such as FedEx Print & Go and MagCloud, are becoming more attractive, notes instructional designer Michael Eckenfels, giving ad??mins a new option for helping their bosses manage documents on the road.

??Connect via LinkedIn groups. Join groups outside your usual comfort zone to really make the most out of the social net??work??ing site, advises

??Use this tactic to get promoted or receive a raise, says management consultant Steve Tobak on CBS MoneyWatch: Do what it takes to get the job done, even if you?re not being paid for it. ?First, put yourself out there, take risks, do the work. Then, and only then, say, ?Give me some.??

? Can your phone help manage your mood??British researchers have developed a new mobile phone app for Android OS that detects whether a message is positive or negative and then color-codes them green for positive, red for negative and blue for neutral.

? Champion your achievements. Many women make the mis??take of thinking that if you just keep your head down and do a good job, you?ll get noticed and get promoted, says Gail Golden, management psy??chologist. One of her tips: Visit your boss when his door is open and say, ?I?m so excited this just happened,? and share some success with him.

? Take breaks to get more done. Think the best way to get everything done and impress the boss is to chain yourself to your desk all day and work through lunch? Think again. Researchers say you?re more productive and creative when you take regular breaks from mental tasks, writes Phyllis Korkki in The New York Times. Working for long stretches without taking a break can leave you stressed and exhausted. If you start daydreaming, it?s time for a break. Don?t wait until you?re mentally exhausted.

? Adapted from ?To Stay on Schedule, Take a Break,? Phyllis Korkki, The New York Times.

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