W?th th? housing market st?ll ?n recovery, many American homeowners ?r? choosing t? stay put ?nd renovate.
Whether you?re updating th? home y?u love ?r preparing your house f?r resale wh?n th? market finally turns around, your outdoor living space ?s ? great place t? start.
According t? ? recent study fr?m McGraw-Hill, th? market f?r green homes ?s expected t? increase five-fold by 2016, w?th an ?v?n steeper increase ?n green remodeling, ?s 34 percent ?f remodelers expect t? b? doing mostly green work by 2016. W?th th?s focus ?n green homes ?n mind, taking ? green approach t? your outdoor renovations ?s n?t ?nly good f?r th? environment, but ?s ? great w?y t? increase your home?s resale value.
A beautiful ?nd functional outdoor living space starts w?th your deck. Whether you?re ?n need ?f ? n?w deck ?r looking t? renovate ?n? that?s ?t th? end ?f its l?f?, ? long-lasting aluminum deck ?s th? m?st environmentally friendly choice.
Aluminum ?s 100 percent recyclable, ?nd ?t maintains its structural integrity throughout th? recycling process. Though s?m? composite decking products ?r? made fr?m recycled materials, once produced many cannot b? recycled ?g??n. W?th aluminum decking, th? recycling process c?n b? repeated n??r indefinitely.
An added plus ?s th?t choosing aluminum decking ?ls? means choosing ? green deck th?t w?ll last ? lifetime, wh?ch ?s great news f?r prospective buyers interested ?n ? maintenance-free outdoor upgrade. B?c?us? ?f th??r properties, aluminum-based materials allow f?r th? use ?f an environmentally friendly powder coating process, ? technologically advanced, nontoxic method f?r coloring ?nd sealing building materials.
Wh?l? ?th?r decking materials require regular scraping, sanding, painting ?nd sealing, aluminum powder coated decks hold th??r color ?nd appearance. NextDeck ?nd LockDry aluminum decking products feature ? specially developed SuperDurable powder coat finish, ? completely UV-stable coating th?t retains its color ?nd doesn?t fade like ?th?r decking products.
In addition t? ? maintenance-free deck, y?u c?n trust ?n th? strength ?f aluminum. FSI Home Products mixes th??r aluminum w?th specific alloys, allowing th??r products t? support up t? 240 pounds per square foot. And unlike ?th?r materials, aluminum decking won?t rust ?r crack. It?s ?ls? fireproof, pest resistant ?nd w?ll n?t rot, sag, splinter ?r warp ?n freezing temperatures. B?c?us? ?f its heat dissipation properties, wh?n installed properly, aluminum decking ?ls? stays cooler ?n direct sunlight th?n wood, composite ?r concrete.
If you?re considering adding ? second ?r third level deck, ? water-proof, leak-free product c?n transform th? area und?r your deck into ? useable outdoor living space. LockDry Waterproof Aluminum Decking h?s b??n th? top-rated consumer decking product since 2008.
Adding ?r renovating your deck ?s just ?n? w?y t? enhance ?nd green your home?s exterior space. RailingWorks offers ? variety ?f aluminum railing ?nd fencing options t? complement your deck design, ?nd ? number ?f ?th?r products ?nd features c?n h?lp t?k? your environmentally friendly outdoor renovations ? step further. Consider replacing your walkways w?th pavers made fr?m recycled rubber. If it?s t?m? t? update your outdoor lighting, choose ? solar lighting system ?r LED bulbs f?r walkways, garden accents, spotlights ?nd floodlights. Invest ?n ? rain barrel t? collect water f?r your lawn ?r garden, ?nd use recycled furniture ?s garden decor.
Th? National Association ?f Homebuilders ?New Home ?n 2015? Survey suggests ? trend toward greater sustainability ?n n?w homes. If y?u want your home t? b? able t? compete, green ?s th? w?y t? g?. Whether you?re updating your house ?r preparing t? sell, y?u c?n create ? beautiful outdoor living space w?th th? environment ?n mind.
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